Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Bolan Medical College Results 2014,BMC Test Session 2014,Bolan Medical College Admission 2014,Bolan Medical Exam Results 2014,

Bolan Medical College as seat of Medical Education in the Province of Balochistan has a checkered history.After partition the country was deficient in trained manpower, especially in the medical field. To fill the gap in a short period of time the Government of Pakistan decided to start Condensed Medical Courses and for that a series of Medical Schools were established in the country. Thus in 1952 Amin-u-Din Medical School was started in Balochistan. It worked for seven years and was closed as a matter of policy when it was felt that this category of Doctors were no more required and instead it was decided that more Medical Colleges to be opened to train fully qualified Doctors in the country, at the level of MBBS and beyond.

Earlier on the students from Balochistan had to seek admission in the other colleges of the country and were facing great difficulty. After Balochistan got the status of a separate Province in 1970 the people of Balochistan started demanding a Medical College of their own. In March 1971 it was agreed in principle that a Medical College will be opened in Balochistan at Quetta.

Bolan Medical College Results 2014,Bolan Medical College Entry Test Result 2014, Merit List of 2014 at
Bolan Medical College, Quetta was established in the Year 1972
• First batch of the MBBS doctors was produced by the Bolan Medical College in the Year 1978.
• Since then Bolan Medical College has produced more than three thousand MBBS doctors
• In the year 1989 / 1990 the Dental Section of Bolan Medical College was started where initially ten students were admitted annually for BDS Course. Later on the numbers of these students were enhanced to 25.
• Bolan Medical College is enjoying the full recognition of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council and is affiliated with the University of Balochistan for the purpose of examination.
• By virtue of its name appearing in the World Directory of Health, the graduates of the Bolan Medical College are taking part in the recognition and postgraduate examination of the overseas countries like USA, UK etc.
• With the passage of time the faculty of Bolan Medical College became stronger and stronger.
• As a result of stronger faculty and better training facilities the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan (F.C.P.S) started granting accreditation to different clinical Departments of Bolan Medical College and its attached teaching Hospitals for the Postgraduate training leading to MCPS / DCPS and FCPS Part-II.
• Fully accredited Departments by the CPSC are General Surgery, General Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, pediatric, Medicine, ETN while the other Departments and sub specialists are partially accredited
Bolan Medical College Has Published The Results of Admission Test Held on 7th November 2014
Click here for results
Click here for more details
Bolan Medical College Results 2014,Bolan Medical College Entry Test Result 2014, Merit List of 2014 at


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