Madras university is the premier university .Madras university is one of the three university along with the university of Mumbai or calccutta. It is very oldest university and it has been establish in 5th September 1857 by an act Legislative Council of India.
It is situated in the southern city of Chennai and contain 6 campus in the city Chepauk, Marina,Guindy,Taramani,Maduravoyal,Chetpet. It has more than 50 departments. The university has all technical department and other department also and it growing its strength in the research field.
It is situated in the southern city of Chennai and contain 6 campus in the city Chepauk, Marina,Guindy,Taramani,Maduravoyal,Chetpet. It has more than 50 departments. The university has all technical department and other department also and it growing its strength in the research field.
University of Madras
University of Madras Examination Results 2014for Madras University MA / MSc / MBA / MA-HRM November 2014 Revaluation Examination Results 2014 announced on 5th March, 2014 on the website. Visit bellow link and get Madras University MA / MSc / MBA / MA-HRM November 2014 Revaluation Examination Results 2014
Madras University November Results 2014
Madras University results 2014,Madras University MA/MSc/MBA/MA-HRM Revaluation Results 2014,www.chennaieducation.netMadras University results 2014,Madras University MA/MSc/MBA/MA-HRM Revaluation Results 2014,Madras University Revaluation Results 2014,
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