Thursday, 22 May 2014

VIT Results 2014,VIT 2014 Application Form,VITEEE Admit Card 2014,VITEEE Counselling Procedure of 2014 ,VITEEE 2014 Eligibility Criteria

We understand your anxiousness for knowing about the VITEEE exam results and as an initiative, we at take note of this vital cusp to offer you your desired information through a single window umbrella solution. 

About VITEEE Exam Result: Vellore University has announced the dates for VITEEE 2014 (Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam), which will be conducted in April 2014. The VITEEE entrance exam will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2014.

Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE) 2014 Admit Card and Counselling Procedure.

Important Information:

The Admit card will be issued only to those eligible candidates who have submitted their application forms complete in all respects on or before the last date as specifi ed in section 8.3.
Admit cards will be despatched through speed post. Admit Cards will not be faxed or sent by e-mail.
Candidates must not tamper with the Admit Card or alter any entry made therein after it has been authenticated.
The Admit Card is not transferable to any other person. Impersonation is a legally punishable off ence.
The Admit Card will contain your name, regd. no. photograph, signature, address, address of your test centre, test schedule and a set of instructions for you to read carefully and prepare accordingly for the test.
The Admit Card once received should be carefully examined by the candidate. Any discrepancy as such should immediately be brought to the notice of the Admissions Offi cer.
No candidate will be permitted to write the test without a valid Admit Card. The Admit Card should be presented to the invigilators for verifi cation.


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