Tuesday, 28 January 2014

AIMA MAT 2014 Notification 2014,MAT 2014 Notification,AIMA MAT 2014 Notification,MAT 2014 Registration,MAT 2014 Admit Card,MAT 2014 Schedule,MAT 2014 Halltickets,www.aima-ind.org

MAT 2014 Notification,AIMA MAT 2014 Notification,MAT 2014 Registration,MAT 2014 Admit Card,MAT 2014 Schedule,MAT 2014 Halltickets,www.aima-ind.org MAT 2014 Notification,AIMA MAT 2014 Notification,MAT 2014 Registration,MAT 2014 Admit Card,MAT 2014 Schedule,MAT 2014 Halltickets,www.aima-ind.org

MAT Exam – Management Aptitude Test is a National Entrance Test conducted by All India Management Association – AIMA  for admission to MBA and equivalent programmes in top MBA Colleges, Institutes and Business Schools in India. MAT Exam is considered to be one of the best mba entrance exam after cat and is taken by over 2 lakh students every year. Some of the top mba colleges in India refer MAT results for admission into their mba and pgdm programs. This exam is held 4 times in a year in feb, may, september and december.
All India Management Association introduces an aptitude test for the applicants who want to   have admission in management field. Applicants can visit the site and can apply both ways offline and online mode.

Educational Eligibility criteria: Individuals must have done graduation from the recognized university. Individuals in final year can also apply for the test. Experience is not compulsory.

Age Limits: No age limit required .for more info, please visit their official site.

URL To their official site: http://www.aima.in/

Mode of examination: Offline and online mode

Offline examination will be held on 4rth, December 2011.

Online mode of examination will be held on 10th, December, 2011.

Patten of the examination:

The duration of the examination is 150 minutes.

The exam will be conducted both ways online and offline mode.

The exam will contain following sections:

RC (Reading Comprehension)-It will contain 40 questions from this section.

DI (Data Interpretation)-It will contain 40 questions from this section.

QA ((Quantitative Aptitude)-It will contain 40 questions from this section.

LCR (Logical and Critical Reasoning)-It will contain 40 questions from this section.

GA (General Awareness)-It will contain 40 questions from this section.

It is imperative to clear MAT 2014 for MBA and PGDM aspirants in order to gain admission in renowned universities, colleges and business schools offering management courses.

The MAT test comprises of different subjects like literature, social science, mathematics etc. The total numbers of questions that have to be attempted are 100. CMS or Center for Management Services conducts the MAT Exam being a part of AIIMA (All India Management Association).

MAT 2014 Eligibility:-

Every quarterly, the exam is conducted which has the following criteria:
1.    The candidate appearing for MAT 2014 should be a graduate form an acclaimed university. The final year graduate students can also sit for MAT test.
2.    There is no age limit to appear for this test.
3.    Similarly, there are no minimum marks required in graduation to appear for MAT.

MAT 2014 Syllabus / Paper Pattern:-

There are Five Papers in MAT 2014 Exam:-

Paper 1: Language Comprehension
Paper 2 : Mathematical Skills
Paper 3: Data Analysis and Sufficiency
Paper 4 : Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
Paper 5 : Indian and Global Environment

Total No of Questions:- 200

Time:- 150 Minutes

Marks allocation:-

Correct attempt: 1 mark
Incorrect attempt: Negative marking not specified

Section Questions in MAT Entrance Exam 2014:-

* Reading Comprehension – 40
* Data Interpretation/Data sufficiency -  40
* Quantitative Aptitude – 40
* Logical and Critical reasoning – 40
* General Awareness – 40

AT Exam may 2014 will be held in two modes as mentioned below:MAT Eligibility Criteria2014: Candidates who want to attempt the MAT exam May 2014 they should have Graduate in any discipline from recognized University/Colleges. Final year Students of Graduation may also apply for MAT 2014.MAT 2014 registration Fees: Candidates may apply online in the form of Demand Draft of Rs. 1200/- in favour of ‘All India Management Association’ payable at Delhi from any Bank. Candidates may also apply Online at website www.aima-ind.orgMAT 2014 Registration process: Candidates must fill MAT online application form from www.aima-ind.org. Fill form with all mandatory details in accurate manner. Candidates must take the hard copy of their MAT form. After taking the hard copy, affix your passport size photograph & put your signature in the space provided and attach the Demand Draft with the print version of application. MAT Form May 2014 should send at given address: (Online registration Process)Manager-CMS (MAT-Online),
All India Management Association,
Management House,
14 Institutional Area,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003


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