Wednesday, 29 January 2014

AP EAMCET Admit card 2014,EAMCET 2014 Hall Ticket,EAMCET Rank Cards 2014,AP EAMCET Hall Tickets 2014,

Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) uploaded the EAMCET 2014 entrance test admit card in its official website. Aspirants have to download the admit card for EAMCET exam. Around 3.83 lakh aspirants registered for EAMCET 2014 entrance exam for admissions to first year professional courses in colleges in the Andhra Pradesh. The applications were received online and bulk submissions by the colleges on behalf of their students. The numbers are marginally less than last year, when 3.88 lakh candidates applied for the test. The numbers applying for what could be the last EAMCET for Medical discipline, shot up to 1.02 lakh over last year's 94,418, given the indecision on NEET.

Andhra Pradesh Government will be very soon issued AP EAMCET Admit card 2014 on its official main portal at on (after 8.00 PM).
EAMCET (Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test) 2014 Admit card will be released for those candidates who ha had applied through Online for appearing in EAMCET 2014 and whose application has been accepted successfully.
EAMCET 2014 Exam will be held on 10th May, 2014 for 12th passed Candidates who want to make Admission in Agriculture , Medical and Engineering Field.
EAMCET 2014 Exam offered many courses such as B.Sc. (CA &BM) (Bi.P.C.), B.F.Sc., B.Sc.(Ag.),  B.V.Sc. & Animal Husbandry, B.Sc.(Hort.), B.Tech. (Food Science & Technology), BAMS, MBBS, B.Pharm.(Bi.P.C), BDS, Pharm-D (Bi.P.C.), BNYS, B.Tech.(Bio-Technology) (Bi.P.C.) and BHMS.
Inspiring Candidates can download the AP EAMCET 2014 Admit card/Hall Ticket from 25th April, 2014 to 8th May, 2014 from official portal

Candidates must have their Registration number while going to download the AP EAMCET 2014 Admit card  , candidates are pleased that kindly download their Admit card as soon as possible to avoid last rush hours on website.
Click Here to download the AP EAMCET 2014 Admit card...AP EAMCET Admit card 2014,EAMCET 2014 Hall Ticket,EAMCET Rank Cards 2014,AP EAMCET Hall Tickets 2014,


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