Saturday, 19 July 2014

CUCET Results 2014,CUCET 2014 Results with Marks,CUCET PG Results 2014,CUCET Exam Result 2014,CUCET Cut off 2014,CUCET counselling 2014,

CUCET Exam Result 2014 Available at :

Central University has declared CUCET Result 2014 for Common Entrance Test for some of the courses while remaining results will be published soon on it’s official website at

Admission into all Ten central universities which is situated at Bihar, Gujarat, Punjab, Jammu, Jharkhand, Kashmir, Kerala, Rjasthan and Tamil Nadu is totally based upon the performance in entrance test conducted by authorities and this time all the university have come together to conduct the common entrance test for programme offered by universities.

The exam has been conducted on 2nd June 2014 for UG and Integrated in either online or offline. The candidate can appeared for this exam in two ways, one is online and second is off line. both the exam results will be available on the official website

CUCET is conducted every year by authorities of Central Universities and main aim of this is to choose only such prospects that can handle the responsibilities to obtain education of integrated ,PG and research programmes in central universities. candidate can check result by using hall ticket number or roll number or exam symbol.

CUCET examination pattern : (online)

Question paper is divided into two parts A & B. In part A there are 35 questions which are carried out from general knowledge and awareness while part B contains 65 questions which taken out from subject specific paper.

CUCET examination pattern : ( offline)

It is conducted only for Integrated various undergraduate and post graduate courses like M.Sc. (physics),(life science), (Maths) (chemistry), ( economics), B.A. LLB, MA(English), MA( hindi), MA(classical tamil), MA(urdu), Ph.d.(hindi). The question will be of multiple choice question and each one is carried equal mark . There is no negative marking.

Result declared date :

: UG Integrated and other programs
: Post graduate programme
: Research programs

Cut off 2014

CUCET cut off is determined based upon the cut off marks that populated from previous tear, number of students who have appeared for exam, difficulty levels of the entrance exam and other such factor.
After publication of CUCET 2014 Cut off and check their scores, aspirants can decide the course and university for which they want to apply for admissions to the M.Tech courses. Keep in mind that cut off marks for each universities are different.

CUCET counselling :

It will be conducted 2014 by the respective universities after the result declared.
For that student must apply in particular university before the counselling process will start.
Student will be called for counselling based on their CUCET ranks.
Student has to check respective universities schedule for counselling and accordingly attend it.
And also student must confirm their seat by paying fees as specified by college.

Click Here : CUCET Result 2014

CUCET 2014 Results UG PG Exam Counselling : 1. Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET) Results 2014 has declared . Because of technical problems, the result of PG Tests conducted 2014. CUCET 2014 Result are Available on official website – .
CUCET 2014 Results UG PG Exam Counselling
CUCET 2014 participating Universities :

Central University of Bihar
Central University of Gujarat
Central University of Jammu
Central University of Jharkhand
Central University of Kashmir
Central University of Kerala
Central University of Orissa
Central University of Punjab
Central University of Rajasthan
Central University of Tamilnadu

3. CUCET 2014 Counseling is based on their CUCET ranks, candidates will be summoned for counseling that is to be held by the respective universities. Before the counseling for CUCET 2014 for PG Programs starts, candidates are requested to send an application to the University.
4. CUCET UG PG 2014 Results - CUCET Results 2014,CUCET 2014 Results with Marks,CUCET PG Results 2014,CUCET Exam Result 2014,CUCET Cut off 2014,CUCET counselling 2014,


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