Wednesday, 23 July 2014

NMAT 2014 Admitcard,NMAT Hallticket 2014,NMAT 2014 Answerkey,NMAT 2014 cutoff,NMAT 2014 results

NMAT 2014 Notification, Online Applications, Examination Pattern, Important Dates, Eligibility  only at
NMAT is commonly known as NMIMS Management Aptitude Test which is conducted by the SVKM’s will gives entrance into the top business school by the Economic Times and also by the Business world. This examinations will be conducted for the candidates to given an opportunity to do their MBA programs in the SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of management studies. This institute offers a wide range of MBA programs in both general management and also in other specialized areas.

This program offers the following courses as a part of their MBA. They are Business Environment & strategy, Communication, Economics, Finance, Information systems, Marketing, Operations and decision sciences. They are other things like MBA HR, Capital market, banking, pharmaceutical management…..

This NMAT will allow the candidates to write two re-tests also, but the main opportunity to the candidates are they will consider only the highest score. The test structure will be  like below.

Sr. No


No. of Questions

Time in Minutes


Language Skills




Quantitative Skills




Logical Reasoning






Downloading the Admit entrance card:
Individual are requested to download the admit entrance card from the activated hyperlink given above.
Click on the link of the admit entrance card to download the admit entrance card.
If any details asked such as application number, roll number, then please fill it carefully.
After all the formalities, browse the admit entrance card which has to be bring at the time of examination.

Points to Remember:
Individual are informed to check the details in the admit entrance card. The details mention in the admit entrance card will not be changed after downloading or browsing once.
Please browse the admit entrance card before the last due dates.
Individual are requested to read all the important instructions before the examination.
Please see your signature and photograph on the admit entrance card. It should be as same as individual mention in application form.

For more notifications and instructions, please refer to their official website.


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