Monday, 28 July 2014

Maharashtra B.Ed CET Results 2014,B.Ed Entrance Results Maharastra 2014,Maharashtra BED CET Result 2014 Available at

Maharashtra B.Ed CET Result 2014 Available at

Maharashtra B.Ed CET Result 2014 Available at

The Maharashtra B.Ed CET Result is soon going to be declared through their official site The Directorate of Higher Education of Maharashtra State will declared the result of the B.Ed CET through their official site There are large number of candidates who have attended this Common Entrance Test to get admission in the B.Ed courses in various institutes, spread all over the state.

All these candidates who have attended the Maharashtra B.Ed CET result, will soon get their result whenever the result is declared. The result is expected to be declared by the next month of July.

The B.Ed CET result of Maharashtra state was carried out in earlier month of June on 20th of June 2014. Large number of candidates have attended this common entrance test by the current academic year, all these candidates are waiting for their results as the result has not been declared.

The Maharashtra result will be declared by the Directorate of Higher Education of Maharashtra through their official site All the candidates are requested to check the official site to now the latest updates about their results of B.Ed CET of Maharashtra.

The result is expected to be declared by the 1st of July in the upcoming month of July. Then all the candidates will be getting their result. All those candidates who have appeared for this examination of the B.Ed will then get their results. There are so many candidates who have attended the Common Entrance Test of the B.Ed and are waiting for their CET results

Maharashtra BED CET Result 2014
The result of common Entrance Test (2014) for admission in the bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) will be published soon by the Directorate of Higher Education, Maharashtra on their official website. Applied candidates can check the result trough the official website of Directorate of Higher Education, Maharashtra , candidates can get the all information about the result of CET 2014 by click on the above mentioned link. Directorate of Higher Education, Maharashtra published a notification for admission in the bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) for academic year 2014-14.

After declaration of this notice a large number of interested candidates applied for the CET 2014 to participate in this process of admission. This CET exam held on the 20th of June 2014 at various examination centers. The candidates who are applied in the CET 2014 are now eagerly looking for the result of CET 2014. ALL APPLIED Candidates are advised to stay connect with the Directorate of Higher Education with their official website. The result will be declared on the official website very soon. candidate can get the result by enter their roll number which is provided on the Admit Card. Candidates are advise to keep maintain their patient and To get the result candidates have to visit the official link of Directorate of Higher Education.
Director of Higher Education,
Maharashtra State,
Central Building,
Pune – 411 001.
Phone Numbers – 020 -26051729
Fax Numbers - 020 -26051729

But as the result is soon going to be declared, all the candidates will be getting their results from the official site. Also there are more number of candidates who have attended this examination, so there might be some problems regarding loading of the webpage at the time of the declaration of the result, but keep on checking the site.

The link for the official site of the Maharashtra B.Ed CET is provided below, just click on the following link:

Official Site:


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