Sunday, 17 August 2014

AKU Results 2014,Aryabhatta Knowledge University Results 2014,AKU Time table 2014,Aryabhatta Knowledge University BA, BCom, BSc, BBA, MA, MCom, MSc, MBA Results 2014

Aryabhatta Knowledge University Result 2014 – BA, BCom, BSc, BBA, MA, MCom, MSc, MBA

In our Country there is a University came with a motive to provide higher education in development and management field. The Aryabhatta Knowledge University (AKU) is a newer University in the state of Bihar. The University was located in the city of Patna, Bihar, India. Patna is the capital of the Indian state of Bihar. Patna is the most populous city in the state of Bihar. The Aryabhatta Knowledge University was established in the Year 2008 by the Bihar State University Act. The vice-chancellor of the University is Dr. S.N. Guha. The University was recognized by the University Grants Commission.

The objective of the Aryabhatta Knowledge University is to promote the professional education infrastructure to meet the national standard through well advanced course, infrastructure and quality faculty. The University was established to promote education in development and management in the field of technical, medical, management and allied professional.

The University has a vision for all the students to give the excellent knowledge in higher education. The topper student of the university in each department got the prizes. The University UG & PG exam results declared as per the academic session. All exams have been finished. Now at this time all students are waiting for announcing the results. Exam and Results are a major part of the education. The results will be available online on the official website, namely

AKU Patna BA Result 2014 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year,
AKU Patna BSc Result 2014 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year,
AKU Patna BCom Result 2014 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year,
AKU Patna BBA Result 2014 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year,
AKU Patna BCA Result 2014 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year,
AKU Patna MA Result 2014 – Previous Year/ Final Year,
AKU Patna MCom Result 2014,
AKU Patna MSc Result 2014,
AKU Patna MBA Result 2014,
AKU Patna MCA Result 2014,
AKU Patna BTech Result 2014,
AKU Patna MTech Result 2014


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