Saturday, 23 August 2014

MAT Admit Card 2014,MAT Hall ticket 2014,AIMA MAT Admit Card 2014,MAT Online Admit Card 2014,MAT Admit Card 2014 Download

MAT Admit Card 2014: Dear applicants we are glad to inform that Admit Card May 2014 Exam of MAT is available to download.
Management Aptitude Test is generally known as MAT. MAT is conducted every year by All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi to get the admission in all possible management courses.

There are two mode of this exam for MAT May 2014 which are-

Paper-Based Test
Computer Based Test

The test is executed at all India level. To appear in examination candidates are required of Admit Card. So here we are providing you the prominent information for MAT hall Ticket 2014.

MAT Admit card 2014 for the MAT exam to be held can be downloaded now by following simple process.

MAT is the most important test for those who want higher education in management as almost all the institutes which provide management degree consider MAT scorecard for giving admission to their respective colleges.

How to download MAT Admit Card 2014: Input the below given steps to get your MAT Admit Card 2014 easily:

Visit the official website of AIMA which is
Input required information in any two boxes among three.
Such as name, form no. & date of birth.
Finally select submit button
Keep this card safe till exam.

MAT Preparation

It is necessary to bring the Admit Card with you while coming for examination.

MBA Selection Process
All India Management Association conduct management aptitude test for the individuals. Individuals can apply through both ways offline and online mode both. The test will be of duration of 150 minutes.

Applied candidates can download their admit card from their official site by following the link to the admit card.

Candidates have applied both in offline and online mode.

For the candidates applied in offline mode will have to download from the site.

For the candidates applied in online mode has to download their admit card from their official site.

All Individual has to bring any verification ID at the time of examination or may not be allowed to enter in the examination hall such as PAN card, Voter ID card, Driving License, Employee Card etc.

Please log on to site by your application number, birth date to download the hall ticket.

Please paste your passport size photograph on the hall ticket if not present.

Please bring your hall ticket to have a seat in the examination hall otherwise in case of missing of hall ticket may not be allowed to write the exam.

Please read the instructions carefully before filling the OMR sheet given to the candidates at the time of examination.

Seeking for AIMA MAT Admit Card 2014 . Discover more on Aptitude Test 2014, Found more on Management test 2014AIMA MAT Admit Card 2014, Aptitude test 2014, Aptitude test hall ticket 2014, admit card for Aptitude test 2014, hall ticket for aptitude test 2014 AIMA admitcard 2014, MAT admit card 2014
AIMA MAT Admit Card 2014 :
All India Management Association AIMA announced the admit card very recently. The admit card is available for all candidates who are going to write this exam in few days.

Click Here to get your Admit Card: Link 1

Candidates who are looking for this admit card can download it from the url given Above. All you need to do is just follow the link given and you will be taken to a site where you have to enter your roll number. After finishing, you can download your admit card.
MAT Admit Card 2014,MAT Hall ticket 2014,AIMA MAT Admit Card 2014,MAT Online Admit Card 2014,MAT Admit Card 2014 Download


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