Monday, 18 August 2014

Assam HSLC Exam 2014 Routine,Assam 10th Exam Timetable 2014,Assam 10th Date sheet 2014,Assam HSLC Time Table 2014

This is to inform all the concerned students that the Assam HSLC Exam Routine/Timetable 2014 has been rescheduled by SEBA and lot of changes have been made. The said exam will be held from 18th February 2014 onward instead of 19th February as announced earlier. These changes are brought into effect due to the recently declared Assam Government Holiday List 2014. All readers are therefore requested to ignore the timetable listed below and download the new Rescheduled Assam HSLC Exam Routine 2014. The details mentioned in the rest of the article may no longer be relevant and should be ignored.
Assam HSLC/AHM Examination 2014 will begin from and the Board of Secondary Education Assam (SEBA) has released the detailed schedule for the same. This came off after the recent announcement made by the Board that the Matric and High Madrassa examination routine will be announced atleast six months before the scheduled date. Now that the schedule is already published, concerned candidates may download it online and also be informed of certain other updates announced in this regard.

SEBA will be conducting the Assam HSLC and AHM Exam 2014 from 19th February to 5th March 2014 and the said time frame will be maintained for all subsequent years as well. This means that the for every year to come next, the exam routine of High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) & Assam High Madrassa (AHM) exam routine will be announced on a fixed date i.e

This will definitely bring a lot of relief to all the students and help them to continue with their preparation properly without any distractions caused by such common factors like uncertainty about routines, admit cards etc. Having a fixed time frame for all such important events will bring a lot of discipline over conducting the matric examination in the state and will solve numerous problems faced regularly during the previous years. It is also declared that the results will be announced before May 15th and the students have to complete their form fill-up before 16th September. Moreover, SEBA will issue and dispatch the admit cards . The routine for the next year can be seen listed below

Morning SessionAfternoon Session
 MIL, English 309:00 AM to 12:00 NoonFine Arts01:30 PM to 04:30 PM
English09:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
General Science09:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
General Mathematics09:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Social Science09:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Hindi 4, Arabic Literature,
Garment Designing/ Needle
Work and Tailoring
 09:00 AM to 12:00 NoonBengali 4 01:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian,
Advanced Mathematics, History,
Advanced History, Geography,
Advanced Geography, Agriculture,
Home Science
09:00 AM to 12:00 NoonFish and Aqaid, Music,
Dance, Computer Science,
Wood Craft, Textile
Design and Clothing/Cloth
Craft, Cane and Bamboo
Technology/Cane and
Bamboo Work
01:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Santali, Bodo 4, Manipuri 4 09:00 AM to 12:00 NoonAssamese 4 01:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Practical09:00 AM to 12:00 Noon



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